Picture The Cure Aug 8, 2005
Later this month I'm participating in a photography auction and exhibition to support Breast Cancer research. Here's the quick version:
August 24th, 2005. 6pm — 12am
The Gladstone Hotel (1214 Queen Street West, Toronto)
For tickets call (416) 879-3116
A number of Toronto photographers are involved and Carrie has written up a description of the event (so I'm stealing it from her site). She says,
Picture the Cure is a photography auction being held at The Gladstone Hotel on Wednesday, Aug. 24th, in support of breast cancer. Myself and six other talented photographers are involved. There will be approximately 60 photos up for auction, along with food, drinks and live music.
If you want tickets, I've got 'em! $5 in advance, $10 at the door. Doors open at 6pm. Please view at largest size for full details.
The websites are a little hard to see, so here is a list of the participants:
Kendall Anderson - Invisible Threads Matt O'Sullivan - The Narrative Irina Souiki - Still Memory Charles Bodi - Ride My Pony Miles Storey - Mute Catherine Jamieson - Utata Carrie Musgrave - Delineated
We'd really appreciate your support!
Unfortunately I'm going to be away on vacation the week *before* the show, so I won't be able to provide tickets for anyone. If you're interested, call the number on the invite above or get in touch with Carrie. Hope to see you there!