Studebaker Oct 5, 2004
For the next week or so, I'll be posting other various photos taken during our tours of Arizona and Utah over the past two weeks. This will give me a way to rest and take a bit of a break
This photo was taken in the manufactured 'ghost-town' of Jerome, Arizona. The old Studebaker automobile was in pristine condition amongst hundreds of other run-down abandoned vehicles. Rannie had commented earlier that the place sounded like a photoblogger's dream — it definitely was. I only had about an hour there but it's easily a place where you could spend an entire week and still constantly find new things to shoot.
My only thoughts on the image are that I really hate how the left side of the Studebaker lettering is blown out by the sun directly hitting it. Unfortunately I only noticed after the fact and I did a little bit of post work to fix it up a bit. Still, it wasn't irritating enough to keep the photo from being posted.