Heading Towards Utah Sep 26, 2004
The Grand Canyon virtually killed us yesterday, but this day was a day of driving so it was a rest well-deserved. Highway 64 East is one of the main paths out of the Grand Canyon, and as you get closer towards the town of Cameron, the road is occupied quite frequently with roadside Navajo Indian stands selling jewelry. However, many of them are empty or abandoned. The top photo is one of these.
The second photo was taken after a very long drive on the way towards Utah. There is a darker green line from the mid-left to the mid-upper-right — this is a road approximately 13 miles long. That's right — 13 miles. This is a massive open flat plain. However, the gift at the end was a nice switchback road up a mountainside to get me to the point where I took the photo.
Finally, in Utah we went to the Coral Pink Sand Dunes — this looks very much like the iconic desert. And it was just like that.. it was wonderful — and HOT. This bottom photo was taken on top of a sand dune approximately 100 feet tall — the climb was not easy. And, there were dune buggies, ATVs and motorbikes zipping back and forth. A fun place..
Tomorrow and after — Bryce Canyon. I'll need some more time (and an Internet connection) to get something more posted.