Sunset over Factory Jun 23, 2004
Let's take a little change in direction here... This is yesterday's sunset, taken from the Bathurst Street Bridge looking north-west (that small smokestack on the right is from the abbatoir I believe).
I was down at the remains of the Loblaws Food Bank building taking more photos (yes, *even more*) and was happy with some of the results. However, the sunset won out in this case. Normally I'm not much for these as they all start to look similar after awhile. I can't say this is too much different, but I thought the site needed a change from the recent industrial themes.
Other Notes: Happy Birthday! Today is the 200th consecutive day the site has been running. That's 200 photos posted, perhaps four or five thousand shot, in the past 200 days. I'll thank Donna for indirectly causing this all to happen (see what you started?!). It's been a rewarding challenge running this site — hopefully I can make it to the one year point without incident.