
If I remember correctly, the convent — and this chapel — was located on the 3rd floor. It was closed in 1988. The sisters who worked at the Manor lived in the convent. From this link:

We did find a notebook of Minutes of Sisters’ Assemblies (House Meetings) from 1971 through 1987 and they reveal topics of interest under discussion. [The sisters] covered topics like the motherhouse meetings for superiors, recreation and silence, prayer and meal times, television, community, sacraments, especially Eucharist and Reconciliation, dialogue and witness. The notebook indicates that eight sisters attended this meeting.

Over the years of 1974, ’75, ’76, and ’77, the sisters included in their dialogues and discussions: perpetual adoration, habit / dress, poverty and personal budget, windows and radiators, the house schedule, retreats, community life, trust, subsidiarity and collegiality, Franciscan charism, supplies, use of car, Divine Office, and God.

In the 1980s, many of these same topics recur, with the addition of setting goals for the year, and the future of religious life. The sisters, in 1983, spent time on the essential elements of religious life, peace and justice issues, joy, hope, and compassion, and finances.

By 1986, five sisters are stationed at the Manor and share their thoughts with each other on the convent library, new ministry opportunities, listening skills, and the needs of the poor. In 1987, there are three sisters and later, only two.