A valley hillside is completely covered by a city of hundreds of concrete and plaster 3 and 4-storey buildings. Virtually no vegetation can be seen. The entire surface is covered by a dense built environment.

The Concrete Jungle, Quito, Ecuador

Holy density, Batman. Someone could create the expert-level version of Where's Waldo with this image.

Even though the density is similar to other large urban areas, it looks much more so. And that's only because you can see more of it as it climbs up the hillside. While this appears like a landscape of grey concrete, it felt like anything but that when at street level.

I did get to spend a small amount of time wandering the streets of Quito, and you can see additional photos on my Exploring Quito page.

More Ecuador Photos

Interested in additional photos from Ecuador? You can find more at my Ecuador Travel Photos website.